Anritsu - Teledyne LeCroy, Signal Integrity Seminar
Key to meeting the ever increasing demand for higher speed electronics is High Speed Serial Data Transmission and Coherent Receivers. The latest industry inter-connect standards are all driving a range of new designs and specifications. These designs test and deliver many new technologies that employ complex modulation techniques to deliver higher speed data. Understanding of Transmission lines and Signal Integrity measurements is essential to ensure a high quality design and product.
The event will offer you informative seminar sessions, interspersed with product demonstrations, to reinforce your understanding and giving you solution to the issues you’re facing in design and test of transmission lines of:
Industry and Market trends and new standards driving higher data speeds
- Transmission lines
- Basic theory
- Jitter, cross-talk, and noise analysis
- Equalisation methods
- Included into the theory are specific examples and demonstrations of the issues faced in design and test of transmission lines;
Signal Integrity Topics such as:
- Differential Measurement
- Jitter Tolerance Testing
- Frequency Components
- Simultaneous Switching
- Different test ideas and practical examples using the Signal Quality Analyser (BERT) from Anritsu, Oscilloscope/Serial Data Analyser from Teledyne LeCroy and Vector Network Analyser from Anritsu, will be presented?
- Emphasis
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Generation and Measurement
- Differential Skew Tolerance
- Transmission Path Impedance
- Bias Tee
The workshop will start at 9:00am with a welcome coffee, followed by the different sessions, with coffee breaks and lunch buffet in between. After the last session, around 3:00pm, our products specialists will be available for any specific question or dedicated demonstration of the product in the room.
Related manufacturers: Anritsu Corporation