Hauppauge, New York, USA —Telebyte, the leader in G.fast test equipment design, today announced the release of the world’s first commercially available G.fast Digital Analyzer. The Model 501 provides a digital storage oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer in one 212 MHz system capable of supporting physical-layer testing of ultra-broadband applications such as G.fast. For example, the total solution is able to perform ID-337’s G.fast PSD mask verification and TIGA tests in a convenient, accurate and repeatable way. In addition, it can be used to evaluate G.fast crosstalk on real cable or DSL lines in a telephone network.
Featuring two capture channels, a non-intrusive differential mode probe and generous storage space, the system can capture authentic Impulse, Crosstalk or RFI noises and save them to a in a variety of formats. Noises may then be exported to Telebyte’s Model 4902 G.fast Universal Noise Generator and injected into a test setup.
“Our goal was to simplify and standardize G.fast testing to accelerate its deployment,” said Michael Breneisen, President of Telebyte. “We also recognize the need to understand how G.fast behaves in the field. The ability to capture that noise and bring it back to the lab is invaluable.”
Telebyte continues to roll out its G.fast testing products, playing a vital role in the further development of this exciting new technology.
Telebyte, the leader in G.fast test equipment, today announced the release of the Model 4902 Universal G.fast Noise Generator. The next-gen solution is the only commercially available noise generator on the market that is fully compliant with the Broadband Forum’s ID-337 Certification Test Plan.
The solution builds upon its feature-rich predecessor, the popular Model 4901 which is already used around the world by most major service providers and equipment vendors. The modular design allows for expandable configurations from 2 to 24 noise outputs in portable or rack-mountable versions.
Telebyte includes user-friendly configuration software that allows the user to select and build a wide variety of complex impairment models that may impact G.fast deployments. These include background Gaussian noise, high frequency impulse noise (PEIN, SHINE), FM radio, Broadcast TV, Spark Plug Ignition noise, PLC noise, Reverse Power Feed noise and more. In addition, user-defined files in several formats (such as MATLAB. CSV and Excel) may be imported.
“Several major North American and European Service Providers are using Telebyte’s G.fast test gear to evaluate the performance of G.fast technology,” said Michael Breneisen, President of Telebyte. “In a very short period of time, Telebyte has established itself as the leader in G.fast testing equipment.”